Written by Emily on April 27

True or False: Chris Evans Is Just Like His Age of Ultron Hero Captain America

The lead up to Avengers: Age of Ultron sounds like the busiest time in Chris Evans’ life. Portraying the Avengers’ noble, shield-throwing leader was the easy part: According to the star, a 14-hour day on Age of Ultron would result in a mere seven hours of actual work. But it’s the press tour—a non-stop global effort to remind audiences that Marvel remains the king of the summer movie season—that kicks his ass. Luckily, Evans is a solider. During a down moment at a fan event at New York City’s Samsung Galaxy Studio, we found the actor composed, amicable, and thirsty for lean fruit juice, which he chugged with a smile. If the guy has fatigue, he won’t show it until Avengers dominates America’s box office.

Which makes us wonder: Does it take a real life Steve Rogers to play Marvel’s screen version? To find out, we cross-checked Evans’ own life with Captain America’s defining characteristics.

Evans shares Steve’s moral compass: True

“You hope to see some Steve qualities in you. He does set the bar pretty high. Any time you make a movie where you’re living in a certain head space for an extended period of time, it’s tough not to take a little piece home with you. Sometimes that’s better than other times. If you’re gonna end up taking a piece of Steve home, that’s not the worst thing. It’s almost kinda like growing up with my father. Whenever there was conflict, whether it was between a buddy or a girlfriend, or professionally, you’d think, ‘What would my father do in this situation?’ In a strange, similar regard, you can kind of tell yourself, ‘What would Steve do in this situation?’, because his moral compass and his approach to conflict resolution, rooted in selflessness, is a pretty healthy place to start. I don’t even know if he has manners—he’s just a very selfless man. You know what I mean? He doesn’t complain, he puts himself last, he just does what’s needed of him.”

He lives by Cap’s no swearing rules: False

“I got a real bad potty mouth. I’m from Boston. That’s kind of a way of life back there. They’re a very expressive people.”

When he’s not in work mode, he’s reliving the good old days: True

“I’m soaked in nostalgia. I mean, I live in the past to a fault. You gotta stay [in the] present. The past is the past, but if you’re overanalyzing or trying to repeat it, you’re gonna get stuck. I just had a wonderful youth and I loved everything about it, so I really try and hang on to it. Growing up, I really liked Star Wars. Han Solo would’ve been really cool to meet. But my stuff was real low-brow. I was watching Bugs Bunny.”

He’s built to survive an impending attack: False

“I’ve never had to take a punch, luckily. Something tells me Steve could take it better than I could.”

Red, white, and blue are his favorite colors: True

“You know, it’s so unfortunate—[they’re] my three favorite colors to wear. A couple times, on accident, I’ll just get dressed for the day and I take one step out the door and I’m like, ‘Wait a minute. I can’t wear this. Wearing blue pants, a white shirt, and a red hat. This is a little ridiculous. I should probably go change.'”

Technology frightens him: False

“What did people do prior to cell phones? Read a book? If I’m stuck in a car and I don’t have my phone, I’m like, ‘What am I doing?’ Car rides used to be one of my favorite things. [If I’m on my phone,] I’m usually reading something sports-related or some weird science bullshit. I’m a big space guy. I like astronomy. There’s always something cool happening.”

Thor is his best bud: True

“Oh yeah, [Chris Hemsworth] is like a brother at this point. We’ve had a very similar trajectory in, at least, being welcomed into this world. We both took these [Marvel hero] roles. We were both timid and nervous and didn’t know how it was gonna play out. It’s been nice to kind of share this with him. We each have the standalone films as well, which can be a whole separate element of pressure and anxiety, and he’s just been so helpful to me. Just to have someone else who’s going through the same struggles I am.”

That whole “solo adventure” thing doesn’t phase him: Half-true

“The first [Captain America] was the most intense because you just don’t know how the character’s going to be received, you don’t know how you’re going to be received portraying the character. With the second one, there’s a little less pressure, but again, you still don’t want to be the weak link in the chain. Marvel’s got such a track record for making quality work, you don’t want to be a dud. But even their worst movies are better than what any other studio could hope to be making. It can only get so bad at Marvel.”

His life is planned through 2019: True

“You know, you plan around the Marvel responsibilities. You have to. We start [Captain America: Civil War] in a couple weeks, and then that shoots until August or something like that. August or September. Then I’ve got some downtime and I can do with it as I please. I don’t know if I want to take time off or go pursue another directing job or find a movie to act in or, you know, do whatever I’m creatively inclined to pursue or wait, relax, enjoy my life. And then we start the Infinity War, I think, some time in the third quarter. Fall or winter of 2016. That’s going to be like nine months to shoot both movies back to back.”

He’s playing pop culture catch-up like the rest of us: True

“The last movie I saw: Birdman. Loved it. It was very helpful to me. Sometimes in this business, it’s easy to feel like you’re the only one struggling or you’re the only one who has these anxieties or insecurities. It’s a tricky business, a very heady business. Actors in general are heady people. Just seeing a movie so beautiful bringing to life someone who is struggling with all those things I just mentioned … it felt like a support group or something. It was nice. It was just nice to relate.”


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